2nd Amendment Rights

The foresight of our Founding Fathers was astounding. Among those rights in the Bill of Rights is the 2nd Amendment. This Amendment gives our citizens the right to keep and bear arms. I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

There have been many attempts to limit or eliminate this right. I have supported measures in the State House to protect it. In 2013,  I sponsored legislation to allow SC Concealed Weapons Permit holders (like myself and my wife) to carry their concealed weapons into Georgia without penalty by allowing  CWP reciprocity with the State of Georgia. It did not make it. However, in 2015, I cosponsored a similar bill (H.3799). This bill made it through the House and Senate and was signed into law by Governor Haley.

In 2017, another bill that I cosponsored was H. 3240 allowing CWP reciprocity with all States that recognize our CWP.

In 2021, I cosponsored H. 3094. This bill allows for “open carry” of a firearm with training. I also cosponsored H. 3096, the “Constitutional Carry” bill.

I will continue the fight to protect our 2nd Amendment rights!

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